Still Crazy After All These Years...

It has been way too long since I’ve posted. The consequences of having an Instagram account together with being way too busy. But I have managed to produce a few new pieces in the meantime.

Made in August. Still not sure what to call it.

The Spirit of the Future Feeds Itself to the Starving Bear of Hope. Also from August. I added in a bird, but haven’t yet taken a photo.

Naive Sad Construction. From way back in June.

Zero to One, One to Two. Made last year, but I added in a connecting line to emphasize the sephirotic layout.

Some new work

Almost the end of June now. Here is some new work. (Other recent pieces appear in the main gallery.)

I updated one collage, below, feeling it needed some additional elements. It’s still pretty minimalist — I was trying to play with negative space — but hopefully less empty.

Mixed Messages

I created a new version of my Stones in the Cosmic Stream piece. I really like it, though I had some issues with gluing down a few of the background images smoothly. This is how sometimes the cookie crumbles, alas…

Stones in the Cosmic Stream II

Summer Play

After my summer semester ended, I managed to complete a few new collages.

Mixed Messages, July 2022, 90 x 66 cm.

Divine Circuit of Abundance, July 2022, 33.5 x 48.5 cm.

I Don’t Understand Either, but I’m so Thankful, July 2022, 33.5 x 48.5 cm.

Stones in the Cosmic Stream, July 2022, 33.5 x 48.5 cm.

June play

On a relatively grey day last weekend I managed to complete the collage that’s been sitting on a table awaiting final gluing-down. For some reason, titles continue to elude me.

Untitled (June 2022)

New February Growth

The winter semester completed, time for some new collaging…

untitled so far (Tree of Life series)(Feb. 2022)

untitled so far (Viral Visions series)(Feb. 2022)

What We May Be (Feb. 2022)

New but mostly untitled

While back in New York last year due to Covid and remote working, I managed to eke out some time to make a few new pieces.

Facing Ourselves draft (September 2021)

(September 2021)

(September 2021)

New Piece, New Post

Another viral vision piece emerged recently. My daughter called the figures animal godheads. I suppose they indeed could be theriomorphs. I see them more as parts of an animal-human-microorganism-planet assemblage. I love the poodle’s crazy spherical hairdoo. No wonder she/he looks so angry…

What Goes Around (Viral Visions #3)

What Goes Around (Viral Visions #3)

Another Viral Vision

The pandemic stretches on. The local Buuni Coffee shop is still closed, just one teeny sign of the massive dislocations across the world that have not yet been repaired, if they ever will be. I hope they manage to reopen — and not just for the sake of my planned show there. Anyway, I’m between semesters and needed a respite from work, so I took the weekend to make a new collage.

Some Dream of Escaping, Some Dream of Remaining (Viral Visions #2) (August 2020)

Some Dream of Escaping, Some Dream of Remaining (Viral Visions #2) (August 2020)

Two More Pieces Emerge from Shelter-in-Place

In addition to my struggling with 1000-piece puzzles and sweating through online workout videos with my kids, two more collages that sat around for months as ideas got a boost from the unexpected slowdown that is the coronavirus pandemic. I’ll show you images of both of the pieces in-process and as finished works. Please forgive my inadequate photos, which don’t do justice to the collages.

I’m still reaching for a title for the second piece.

Melancholy Masculinity Mandala draft (March 2020)

Melancholy Masculinity Mandala draft (March 2020)

Melancholy Masculinity Mandala, finished (March 2020)

Melancholy Masculinity Mandala, finished (March 2020)

Untitled (Viral Vision no. 1), draft (March 2020)

Untitled (Viral Vision no. 1), draft (March 2020)

Untitled (Viral Vision no. 1), finished (March 2020)

Untitled (Viral Vision no. 1), finished (March 2020)

May we all be sheltered under the wings of the divine wherever our place at the moment.

Back Again with an Upcoming Show

I have been so occupied with other things that I have not produced many new pieces in the last year. Nonetheless, I have managed to make some time here and there to do new work. Here are a few examples in various states of completion (the photos are my own):

Why is the Dinosaur Transparent? (draft, 2019)

Why is the Dinosaur Transparent? (draft, 2019)

Very High Risk (2019)

Very High Risk (2019)

Seems Like Only Yesterday (That it all Made Sense) (draft, 2020)

Seems Like Only Yesterday (That it all Made Sense) (draft, 2020)

Plus, I have a new solo show arranged at Buunni Coffee in the Bronx for December 2020 and January 2021. Keep an eye out for further information as the date nears.

Ohio, Unintentionally

My second cousin Julie and her husband David, neither of whom I had previously met, just visited Berlin.  As they read my other blog, Another Jew Back in Berlin, they saw the photo I had posted of one of my new collages.  As resident Ohioans -- I looked it up, yes, this is what you call them -- they noted that the gestures made by the folks in my collage spell out O, H, I, O.  This is evidently a beloved sign sequence in the state.  I cut out the images of the gesticulating people from an airline magazine and had no idea of the meaning of their hand signals.  And now the deep significance of my piece becomes ever clearer...  While a title still eludes me...

First Blog Post

I just finished this collage.  (Not a great photo.)  Still untitled, it was inspired by a mandala-like image of Muslims bowing in prayer.  I'm looking for a local venue around Berlin where I can show my new pieces.  I've managed to make a bunch since arriving here, somehow squeezing in this wonderful form of play therapy here and there amid my primary life and work responsibilities.